Bhushan Srivastava, hosted by the RSS in Bethul, a tribal-dominated district of Madhya Pradesh, organized the Hindu Conference on 10 February 2017. In preparation for the event, the Sangh workers walked past the village with the last six breasts and distributed the yellow rice to the tribesmen. The Hindus say that it is the meeting of the Hindus too. Not only Betul but most of the tribes in the country do not know who Mohan Bhagwat is and why the RSS people tend to prove and prove that they are not Hindus. There is no evidence that tribals living in remote parts of the country have ever considered themselves Hindus and they are not ready to accept them today. On February 8, Mohan Bhagwat spoke at Betul's Hindu Conference and what is the purpose of Unki. Before understanding it, it is important and important to understand briefly why tribal Hindus are not Hindus. In fact, this spice or racha is associated with the arrival of Aryans to India. The adivasis are living in the wrong and do not treat any Hindu deity as their idol. It is not the opinion of historians that tribal tribes are worshipers, they believe in the sun, the earth and the plants of the trees and worship true symbols like this, basically they have no religion. The tribes worship only Buda or Badadeva in the name of gods and goddesses who promote Arya Shankar. There is also a big argument of theologians that the main reason for not believing tribes as Hindus is that they have no color system and are not mentioned in Hinduism or their religious texts. Leftists have historically proved that the aborigines were the original inhabitants of India. The Aryans came to India and exploited them with deceit, created a book and tortured them. These historians claim that the Adivasis were Dravidians and the Dravidians were Adivasis, who regarded the Aryans as Brahmins as their natural enemies and invaders. History is full of ideas and dominant claims of Aryans and Dravidians. Gandhiji's attempt to give Giriraj's speech to the tribals was vehemently opposed by the left-wing historians. There are many evidences that prove that tribes are a culture and a civilization. Yes, there is a lot of strong historical evidence that tribes converted to Buddhism on a large scale over time. When the British came to India, they began to Christianize them on a large scale, but they were not tortured in this, but they were given seduction, greed and comfort, and gave a verse to pray for them to be crucified by hanging on their necks. This trend continues today, but surprisingly tribes have no particular objection to this. Gomati Tirki (renamed), who works in the Bhopal government office, believes there may be more Christian missionaries. Do not give honor, but we do not change in any way and level. Gomati said that as a child, Christianity was up, half the tribes of Chhattisgarh had become Christians, and in some districts like Raigad Jashpur 90% of the tribes had become Christians. In return, they receive medical care and educational opportunities, as well as financial support (not much), so that millions of young people, such as Gomati, live a dignified life by joining the mainstream of government jobs. When the tribes were forced to follow the religion, they began to call them Hindus, but in this case they had no rationalist. The Adivasi who worships a big or old god is actually the Adi Shankar of the Hindus. This Tribal Adivasi Hindi is Hindi, but in the past the Aryan Dravidian struggle, the Adivasi has not forgotten even today or what he has done, so he is terrified and suspects that he is calling himself a Hindu. He does not even want to believe that Shankar and Buda or Bada Deo are the same, but rather, that the customs of the tribes are completely different from those of the Hindus. For example, the Hindus burn the bodies and the tribes bury them, the tribes do not perform rituals like the Hindus. The influence of the RSS and Hindutva organizations was limited to North India, where they continued to be Christians in the name of repatriation. Adivasis must gradually become Hindus

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